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Hypno Therapy


Believing In A Better You

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What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is not what you may think it is, some people believe it is a state that you are asleep or unconscious but it is actually the state right before sleep when you are in the beta brain waves. Hypnosis is a relaxed and comfortable state, where you actually become more aware and focused. You could open your eyes when ever you want to get up and walk away but you are so relaxed you just don't want to. Hypnosis allows you to access your subconscious mind and change your life script to better suit your way of life.


C.H.T,  Justin Hickerson

Certified Hypnotherapist

Hello, I am Justin Hickerson your Master Hypnotist. I am currently an intern at HMI (Hypnosis Motivation Institute) an accredited college for hypnosis. I started my pursuit towards my Hypnosis career in September of 2016. I have always known that I am here to help people feel better about themselves. On a mission to find a better way of life for myself, I was lead to HMI.  From a very early age I have always wondered how the mind works. In my life, I have had some road blocks of my own that I wanted to get past and I have always been the one that my friends would come to for help. It would come naturally for me to just give advice on the issues that they had. I took up an interest in psychology, studying the way the mind works. Always wanting to know more, wondering how I can help myself and others feel better in their lives. One day I was watching television and I saw a hypnotist on a show hypnotizing people to do weird things. They had people eat onions, believing they were apples and dance around like show girls in a Vegas show. At the end, they brought out people with genuine phobias of cotton balls, snakes and dogs. The hypnotist then gave them suggestions just like the others. This got them over their phobias, they came out with no further fears. From then on I was on a mission to help people just like I had witnessed. I felt this would be a great gift to be able to give to someone. That was the day when I found a diamond in hypnosis and here I am today.


146 Ways Hypnosis May Help

Take Control Of Your Life

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18607 Ventura Blvd Suite 310
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County 91356




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